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Beat the Job Hunt Blues

Jun 10, 2019 | Careers Advice

Beat the Job Hunt Blues

Job hunting can be a stressful and tiring experience. You might feel like you aren’t making any progress when you get rejection after rejection, or hear nothing at all. However, if you stick with it and follow these helpful tips, you might just beat those job hunting blues.

Give yourself a break…

One of the most important things to do when job hunting is to give yourself a break. You can’t expect yourself to land your dream job on the first application you send out. You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, and remember that you are doing your best. Any job search takes time – Remember that the next time you are feeling down and in the dumps.

Stay resilient and focused on your goal!

Importantly, though, you need to stay resilient and focused. It is helpful to set yourself small goals. For example, you can decide to send off a certain number of applications each week or month. Whatever your target, set up some way for you to track your progress incrementally. This will help you to maintain your focus and stay resilient as you see the progress you are making. Something as simple as a spreadsheet that tracks all your applications and what the outcome was, with your goal clearly stated at the top, is enough to ensure you are always working toward that goal.

Get out of the house…

One of the hardest things about job hunting is feeling that you are trapped. What you need to do is get out of the house. Send some applications from a cafe, a friend’s house, or the park. Just make sure you aren’t staying at home all day, every day. The fresh air, a walk, and sunshine will reinvigorate you and your mental wellbeing. If you get stuck on an application and aren’t sure how to proceed, a change of environment could be the missing ingredient you need to ace it. Whatever you do, don’t spend all your time sitting at home waiting for responses.

Finally refresh your skills!

If it has been a while since you applied for jobs, then refreshing your skills is a great idea if you are able to do so. Not only does it keep you busy but it helps you toward your goal and it shows employers that you are serious about your job hunt. Learning and training are great ways to get you out of that rut and make your resume shine for prospective companies!